40+ Services You Can Offer as a Virtual Assistant

April 22, 2024

drink and laptop at a picnic table on the beach

If you’re looking for what type of services you can offer as a virtual assistant, look no further than this master list!

One of my favorite things about being a Virtual Assistant is the flexibility to pivot.

Whether you’re looking for what to get started with for your service as a VA, or you’re looking for more services to provide your clients – check out the list below!

40+ Services You Can Offer as a Virtual Assistant

Administrative or Executive Tasks

These are the random day-to-day tasks you can take off of your clients plate. These services are great for signing on retainer clients.

  1. Email inbox management
  2. Chat bot management
  3. Calendar management + appointment scheduling
  4. Managing customer service cases via email, chat boxes, and calls/video calls.
  5. Data entry
  6. Clean up + organize Google Drives or Dropbox folders
  7. CRM Updates
  8. Creating and running reports
  9. Training new team members
  10. Managing + booking collabs


If you’re fond of writing, freelance writing is a great way to build up your client base. If you’re a virtual assistant and you’re looking for some additional ways to support your clients, consider strengthening your writing skills with one or more of the following types of writing!

  1. Copywriting
  2. Blog Post Writing
  3. SEO Writing
  4. Proofreading
  5. Newsletter Writing
  6. Case Study Writing
  7. Press Release Writing

Email Marketing

Most companies have an email list that needs maintaining. And if you’re looking for something to specialize in, email funnels are a great place to build your expertise in.

  1. Creating + Formatting Newsletters
  2. Setting up Email Funnels
  3. Cleaning up email lists + tagging
  4. Building landing pages

Social Media Management

Here’s the thing about social media – everybody ‘should’ be doing it in some capacity or another. But nobody wants to. It’s a high demand position that you’ll be able to quickly get clients. And the best thing about it, if you use social media – you have experience already!

  1. Manage FB Groups
  2. Schedule social media posts
  3. Creating managing social media profiles (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest)
  4. Pinterest management
  5. Responding to DMs
  6. Uploading and prepping YouTube videos
  7. Track Social Media Analytics
  8. Social Media Ad Management

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Another area of expertise you can build up is your SEO Skills. Search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and companies want the results of SEO, with out having to keep up with the latest trends. I strongly recommend She Knows SEO‘s courses to stay up to date with the latest SEO trends!

  1. Keyword Research
  2. Competitor Analysis
  3. On-Page Optimization
  4. Off-Page Optimization

Graphic Design

If you enjoy design, picking up some freelance clients is a great way to earn some extra cash. Whether that’s building out a brand’s design, or a retainer service to design social media graphics – there’s a lot of options here!

  1. Creating graphics for social media platforms (Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, etc.)
  2. Design logos
  3. Design eBooks
  4. Product design
  5. Sourcing stock photos

Website Management

If you’re tech-savvy and enjoy design, web design could be a great option for you. There’s also the technical side of websites that you could support your clients with as well.

  1. Domain Registration + Website Hosting Set-up
  2. Website updates
  3. Website design (with the option of specializing in a platform like
  4. Optimize webpages for mobile
  5. Site speed upgrades

Other Content Creation

The thing about content creation – it’s a never ending grind. And for companies to genuinely achieve omnipresence online (showing up on all the platforms), they need support. Which you can give them!

  1. Editing Videos
  2. Podcast management
  3. Setting up ads
  4. Google Ad Management

How to Introduce New Services to Your Existing Clients

One of the best ways I think you can help your clients is identifying gaps you see that you can help with, and let them know that.

Yes, they might say no and that they’re satisfied with the work you’re currently doing for them.

BUT, they also might say yes!

It’s easier to secure a sale with people who have already said yes to you – so it’s worth a shot by just letting them know (with no pressure!)

How to Combine Services to Build Your Own Custom VA Services

The thing that’s great about being a Virtual Assistant is the freedom of combining your services.

If you’re not sure what kind of services you’d like to offer, you can always try it for a little bit.

Your best bet when figuring out your best service combination is testing and gaining experience.

Experience is nothing but a good thing, and you’ll learn about your preferences + what you’re good at!

The goal is to find something you enjoy, pays you what you’re wanting to be paid (or has the potential to scale to that), and gives you the lifestyle you want.


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