Rein in the chaos of your emails, finally achieve inbox zero, and master the daily habits to keep it that way. 

do you feel like you just can't make a dent in your inbox of 1000+ emails, overwhelmed at the idea of even touching your business email, to the point where you just want to cry and read faerie smut instead?

Or maybe you’re making do as is, you’re handling your emails well enough, but you know your inbox is a mess and you have no idea where to start with bringing that number from 1000+ to 0.

Well I’m here to show you how!

We’re going to break zero-ing out your inbox down into tiny, achievable steps that make this beast of a task something you can crank out in an afternoon (or maybe 3 … but definitely within a week)

Because when you're self-employed or a business owner, the time you waste dreading your inbox is time you could be spending doing some money making things (or literally anything else)

Let’s carve more space into your day by cleaning up the single most used touchpoint in your business - your email inbox.

a course on how to master the habits of reaching inbox zero every. single. day.

inbox mastery


When you join, you'll learn:

  • Steps to take to achieve your first inbox zero
  • Inbox management habits to maintain an empty inbox
  • Best practices for how to setup your email accounts to streamline maintenance
  • A few fun email tidbits to make emailing a bit more fun, because why not

LET’S clear out the weight of your inbox with 1000+ emails, and get it TO 0 ASAP


VA/Online Business Manager for the past 4 years with a passion for helping you spend less time on the day-to-day operations for your business, and more time traveling the world (or whatever you choose to do with your location independence! 😉)

A major hurdle I see for many entrepreneurs is a hectic inbox. And as someone who is physically incapable of working in a messy environment without cleaning it, I figured why not share with you my quick tips to maintain a tidy inbox.

The mental bandwidth this course will free up is just 🤌

hey! I'm Alex

meet your teacher

You have an email management system in place that works for you.

You don’t see inbox zero as a goal you want to reach every day.

You don’t sorting through a large backlog of emails in your inbox.

You’re fine with looking at that little red circle w/ 99+ in your inbox,

this is not for you if...

You’re an entrepreneur managing multiple email inboxes and are tired of the chaos.

You’re currently using your email as a project management system to manage your tasks and projects

You manage email inboxes for your clients and want to get them tidied up.

You want the habit of inbox zero every day, you just don’t know where to start.

this is for you if you are... 

Not sure if Inbox Mastery is for you? Here’s a way to make sure:

  • Steps to take to achieve your first inbox zero
  • Inbox management habits to maintain an empty inbox
  • Best practices for how to setup your email accounts to streamline maintenance
  • A few fun email tidbits to make emailing a bit more fun, because why not


what's included

ready to finally achieve inbox zero - and keep it that way?


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